Category: Travel List Update

  • Bali Reopening: Flights and Travel Rules Explained + Top Deals - Bali is reopening and ready for you to visit, but there are a few things to note before you take off.

    Bali Reopening: Flights and Travel Rules Explained + Top Deals |
    Bali is reopening and ready for you to visit, but there are a few things to note before you take off.

    Australians have been itching to get back to Bali. Just 3 months ago they faced disappointment when the Indonesian government announced it was reopening to travellers from some countries excluding Australia.
    Speaking at a press conference senior minister Luhut Pandjaitan announced that from 4 February, the ban on international visitors (including Australians) will finally be lifted.
    There are some conditions in place, however:
    If you’re fully vaccinated: You’ll need to spend 5 days in self-isolation.
    If you’re not fully vaccinated: You’ll need to complete 7 days of quarantine.
    These conditions aside it’s a welcome step in the right direction for those who have been waiting to return to the island paradise.
    In a recent survey of Jetstar customers, Bali came out on top as the destination most were planning to travel to in the next 12 months beating Thailand, New Zealand, Hawaii and Fiji.
    If you’re prepared to endure the 5-7 days of quarantine for the chance to rediscover Bali or make your first visit, here are all the best deals.
    While Bali might be ready for you on 4 February you might need to wait a little longer to get direct flights there.
    You’ll be able to catch direct flights from Sydney and Melbourne from 1 March and most other cities with direct routes in late March.
    Laura Lindsay, consumer travel expert at Skyscanner said, “Known for its surfing, temples, waterfalls and nightlife, this latest announcement will be welcome news for Australian travellers who have been waiting to hear when they can get back to one of their favourite overseas destinations.”

    Bali was the top booked overseas destination on Skyscanner for Aussies pre-pandemic and we’d expect that demand to return following further easing of restrictions.”
    Source: | Published: 02/02/2022

  • 7 Objek Wisata Andalan di Bojonegoro - Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, merayakan hari jadinya setiap tanggal 20 Oktober, tanggal ini diambil peristiwa dari diubahnya status kadipaten menjadi kabupaten pada tahun 1677, dengan Bupati Pangeran Mas Toemapel.

    Suasana penambangan minyak rakyat di Wonocolo, Bojonegoro.
    – Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, merayakan hari jadinya setiap tanggal 20 Oktober, tanggal ini diambil peristiwa dari diubahnya status kadipaten menjadi kabupaten pada tahun 1677, dengan Bupati Pangeran Mas Toemapel.

    Kondisi topografi Bojonegoro didominasi oleh tanah berbukit di sebelah selatan dan utara. Dua kawasan pegunungan kapur ini mengapit daerah pertanian subur, yang berada di sepanjang aliran Bengawan Solo.
    Hal tersebut membuat Bojonegoro dianugerahi banyak objek wisata yang bisa dikunjungi. Namun untuk memulainya berikut tujuh objek wisata yang wajib dikunjungi oleh wisatawan, khususnya mereka yang baru datang ke tempat ini pertama kali.
    1. Air Terjun Kedung Maor - Air terjun ini terletak di tengah hutan jati yang rimbun, sekitar 40 km ke arah selatan dari Kota Bojonegoro atau sekitar satu jam perjalanan dengan kendaraan bermotor.

    Air Terjun Kedung Maor
    Air terjun ini terletak di tengah hutan jati yang rimbun, sekitar 40 km ke arah selatan dari Kota Bojonegoro atau sekitar satu jam perjalanan dengan kendaraan bermotor. Tapi tak usah takut tersasar karena penunjuk arah ke tempat ini cukup jelas.
    Kedung Maor memiliki panorama deretan tebing yang cukup luas, dengan air kolam berwarna kehijauan sedalam tujuh meter.
    2. Grojogan Pucangarum - Akses jalan menuju ke lokasi Grojogan Pucangarum terbilang cukup menantang, karena kontur tanahnya menanjak dan tidak bisa dilewati kendaraan roda empat.

    Grojogan Pucangarum
    Akses jalan menuju ke lokasi Grojogan Pucangarum terbilang cukup menantang, karena kontur tanahnya menanjak dan tidak bisa dilewati kendaraan roda empat. Dari lokasi parkir kendaraan, pengunjung harus berjalan kaki sejauh empat kilometer sebelum memasuki kawasan hutan.
    3. Teksas Wonocolo - Objek wisata edukasi ini memberi pengetahuan bagi pengunjung tentang pengeboran minyak secara tradisional, yang sudah lama berlangsung di Wonocolo.

    Teksas Wonocolo
    Objek wisata edukasi ini memberi pengetahuan bagi pengunjung tentang pengeboran minyak secara tradisional, yang sudah lama berlangsung di Wonocolo. Teksas adalah akronim dari Tekad Selalu Aman dan Sejahtera. Layaknya Texas di Amerika Serikat, di tempat ini ada sekitar 250 sumur bor minyak bumi yang sudah tidak aktif.
    4. Sendang Grogolan - Aliran air yang jernih dari sumber mata air alami, merupakan daya tarik objek wisata yang terletak di Desa Ngunut, Kecamatan Dander.

    Sendang Grogolan
    Aliran air yang jernih dari sumber mata air alami, merupakan daya tarik objek wisata yang terletak di Desa Ngunut, Kecamatan Dander. Selain itu, lingkungan di sekelilingnya terbilang masih asri dan teduh sehingga membuat pengunjung merasa betah untuk menghabiskan waktu di sini.
    5. Watu Gandul - Daya tarik utama Watu Gandul yang terletak di Desa Sambongrejo, Kecamatan Gondang, adalah deretan batu andesit berukuran raksasa, yang tertata rapi dengan bentuk artistik.

    Watu Gandul
    Daya tarik utama Watu Gandul yang terletak di Desa Sambongrejo, Kecamatan Gondang, adalah deretan batu andesit berukuran raksasa, yang tertata rapi dengan bentuk artistik. Selain itu akses jalan menuju Watu Gandul yang cukup ekstrem, membuat sebagian orang penasaran untuk menaklukkannya dengan motor trail.
    6. Bukit Tono - Bukit Tono menyajikan spot foto yang mempesona dengan lingkungan yang cukup asri.

    Bukit Tono
    Bukit Tono menyajikan spot foto yang mempesona dengan lingkungan yang cukup asri. Selain atraksi alam, saat ini sedang dipersiapkan taman bunga dan camping ground demi fasilitas pengunjung yang lebih lengkap.
    7. Air Terjun Kedung Gupit - Air terjun setinggi delapan meter ini tersembunyi di balik bukit yang berada di antara Desa Krondonan dan Desa Gayam, sekitar 50 km dari Kota Bojonegoro.

    Air Terjun Kedung Gupit

    Air terjun setinggi delapan meter ini tersembunyi di balik bukit yang berada di antara Desa Krondonan dan Desa Gayam, sekitar 50 km dari Kota Bojonegoro. Tapi untuk jalur paling mudah, cobalah lewati Desa Kondonan kemudian lanjutkan berjalan kaki sejauh satu kilometer melalui jalan setapak.

  • Krabi, Destinasi Pilihan untuk Menjauhi Keriuhan Phuket - Phuket merupakan destinasi wisata yang  sangat populer di Thailand,  tempat ini juga masuk dalam kategori overtourism sehingga  kurang nyaman untuk dikunjungi. Bagi yang ingin ke Thailand tapi tidak suka tempat ramai, sebaiknya mengunjungi Krabi sebagai alternatif selain Phuket.

    Kegiatan panjat tebing di Krubi bisa dilakukan oleh pemula hingga yang sudah mahir | Net
    Phuket merupakan destinasi wisata yang sangat populer di Thailand, tempat ini juga masuk dalam kategori overtourism sehingga kurang nyaman untuk dikunjungi.
    Bagi yang ingin ke Thailand tapi tidak suka tempat ramai, sebaiknya mengunjungi Krabi sebagai alternatif selain Phuket.
    Mengutip network matador, Selasa (15/10), secara umum tempat ini tidak jauh dari Phuket yang memiliki pantai pasir putih dan pulau-pulau eksotis.
    Selain kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pantai seperti snorkeling, berenang dan berjemur, kegiatan lain yang dapat dilakukan di kawasan Krubi adalah treking di area hutan hingga panjat tebing.
    Kegiatan panjat tebing di Krubi dapat dilakukan dari pemula hingga mahir. Beberapa tempat seperti Tonsai, Ao Nang, dan Railay adalah tempat yang bagus untuk dicoba.
    Bagi yang belum pernah mencoba aktivitas panjat tebing, jangan khawatir karena ada beberapa sekolah panjat tebing yang akan mengajarkan dan memastikan keamanan selama aktivitas ekstrem ini.

  • The Beauty of White Sands Lhok Mee Beach in Aceh, Indonesia - Almost all beaches in Aceh have an attractive charm. Well, one of the beaches that has an interesting attraction is Lhok Mee Beach. Lhok Mee Beach, which is famous for its white sand beaches and trees in the water, is located in Lamreh Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh.

    Lhok Mee Beach
    Almost all beaches in Aceh have an attractive charm. Well, one of the beaches that has an interesting attraction is Lhok Mee Beach. Lhok Mee Beach, which is famous for its white sand beaches and trees in the water, is located in Lamreh Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh.
    Most of the beaches in Aceh Besar look beautiful with rows of pine trees, so the White Sand at Lhok Mee Beach is a little different because we can see the beauty of the trees that grow lined up on the sea surface.
    The people there called the tree Geurumbang. There are also mangrove roots that dominate the beach. Sea water can rise and fall instantly. When the sea water is high, the white sand of the beach combines its color with the clear blue sea water. When the sea water receded again, the mangrove roots appeared one by one like spear spikes that had just been stabbed.
    This geurumbang tree grows at a water level of about 1-2 meters. So you can climb this tree and don’t forget to bring a fishing rod or fishing rod, because fishing and sitting on this tree has its own sensation. Another specialty of Lhok Mee Beach is that this beach has a stretch of fine white sand and follows the straight line of the beach.
    You can swim while enjoying the waves of the sea, while for snorkelers, of course, you can enjoy the beautiful coral reefs on beautiful beaches.
    This beach is a very photogenic tourist spot. Because of its beauty, this place is often a place for newlywed wedding photos.
    Lhok Mee Beach is also equipped with a number of supporting facilities. There are rows of grilled fish stalls built overlooking the sea with a varied menu. Coffee lovers can also enjoy the cafe stalls on this beach. also young coconut, boiled noodles and other foods. You can use the cottage building in this food stall to rest, eat food, and lay down.
    Lhok Mee Beach is only 2 km from Malahayati Harbor or 40 km from Banda Aceh City. From Banda Aceh City, you can go to Lhok Mee Beach from the Simpang Mesra Roundabout. Turn left towards the Krueng Cut bridge and start entering Jalan Laksamana Keumala Hayati which leads to the Malahayati port. With a speed of 60-70 km/hour or about 35 minutes by car, you have arrived at the white sand beach of Lhok Mee Aceh Besar.

  • Enchantment of Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh, Indonesia - There is a tourist spot in Central Aceh that makes you want to go there. A beautiful lake located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

    Lake Laut Tawar
    – There is a tourist spot in Central Aceh that makes you want to go there. A beautiful lake located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. Laut Tawar Lake Tour. Tourist attractions, photography spots, natural attractions, tourist attractions full of charm.

    Lake Laut Tawar is a tourism potential in central Aceh, a popular photo hunting spot among tourists. Loved by young people who like adventure, it is also suitable for children and adults. Going out with friends from the community will be more fun, even when traveling with family.
    Panorama of Lake Laut Tawar
    This lake, which holds a lot of beauty, origin stories and mysteries, is well worth a visit. you will really like the panoramic beauty. The combination of plains, hills and waters around Lake Laut Tawar presents stunning natural beauty.
    You can also follow the daily activities of the Gayo highlanders around the lake: farming, fishing, gardening, hunting for plantation pests.
    Aceh’s largest lake has an area of approximately 5,472 hectares. It is about 17 km long and 3.2 km wide. Lots of great photo spots around the lake. Even the color of the grass in the hills varies with the seasons, sometimes green, sometimes yellowish, giving each visit a different feel.
    When the sky is dominated by white because it is cloudy and rainy, it’s cool to drink coffee at a shop near the lake. Enjoy the calm atmosphere, on other occasions the weather is sunny and spoils the photographers with the blue sky, each of which has its own beauty.
    To enjoy the beauty of Lake Laut Tawar, we don’t need to pay an entrance ticket, we can freely choose which shore to relax for free, in some places the scenery is very beautiful.
    Don’t forget to enjoy a culinary tour by the lake, drink Gayo coffee or eat delicious depik fish. For accommodation, we can choose to stay in Takengon City or inn by the lake.
    Many roads lead to Rome, there are also roads to the Lakes of the Fresh Sea. There are 3 (three options) if you want to Takengon (Lake Lut Tawar). Can be by Bus / travel Banda Aceh – Takengon. The distance between Banda Aceh – Takengon is about 315 kilometers in 7 hours.
    The second option is from Medan by bus. The distance from Medan to Takengon is 427 kilometers, in 9.5 hours. And the third option, currently there is a Medan – Takengon flight from Kuala Namu Airport (KNO) to Rembele Airport (TXE) with a Medan – Takengon flight that takes 60 minutes.

    The beautiful atmosphere of the highlands is certainly different from the beach atmosphere. It is a tourist spot in Central Aceh that you must try if you are in Aceh.

  • The Hidden Beauty Pria Laot Waterfall of the Aceh in Indonesia - Weh Island, Sabang is a tourist destination that is famous for its marine tourism, but there is another side of Sabang that you can visit besides the beach, namely a waterfall called Pria Laot Waterfall.

    The Hidden Beauty Pria Laot Waterfall of the Aceh in Indonesia
    Weh Island, Sabang is a tour destination that is famous for its marine tourism, but there is another side of Sabang that you can visit besides the beach, namely a waterfall called Pria Laot Waterfall. This waterfall is located in Pria Laot village, Iboih Village, Sabang, Aceh .
    Beautiful natural scenery is a mainstay tourist location. The name Pria Laot comes from the name of the village where this waterfall is located, or the village of Pria Laot. In this tourist spot, the Pria Laot waterfall has a pool of about 10 square meters with a depth of 1-1.5 meters, the height of the Pria Laot waterfall is only 15 meters so that the water spills are not too heavy. Relaxing swimming while enjoying the fresh forest air, is worth a try.
    Clean air in the middle of the forest will spoil you. The Pria Laot waterfall originates from Mount Sarong Keris which is located in the south of Weh Island. Some of the water also comes from Anak Laut Lake which crosses the Pria Laot River until it finally flows into this waterfall.
    Pria Laot Waterfall is only about 12 km from downtown Sabang to the zero kilometer point of Indonesia. A pamphlet with directions will take you there. Please park your vehicle and walk 1 km along the river. However, it is not recommended to come here on a rainy day, the large moss-covered rocks along the river can be dangerous for passers-by.
    Tourist attractions located in the forest will not make you tired and never get tired of walking, because you have the opportunity to enjoy the protected forest which is always so beautiful. Some of the wildlife you can see directly.

    If you want to see a very amazing sight that is impossible to forget, come to the Pria Laot waterfall from June to August, because this month you can see a waterfall decorated with butterflies that have just come out of their cocoons.