Category: Olympics

  • Nathan Chen Cements his Legacy as the World’s Best Figure Skater - American figure skater Nathan Chen skated to a gold in Beijing today. Wearing a dazzling constellation-themed top, he performed flawlessly to a medley that included Elton John's Rocket Man.

    Nathan Chen Cements his Legacy as the World’s Best Figure Skater | Net
    – American figure skater Nathan Chen skated to a gold in Beijing today. Wearing a dazzling constellation-themed top, he performed flawlessly to a medley that included Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” Chen rewarded audiences with an uncharacteristically beaming smile as he finished his program and then became the seventh U.S. male figure skater to win an individual Olympic gold. NPR’s Tom Goldman was in Beijing.

    TOM GOLDMAN, BYLINE: All gold medals looked the same, but there are different feels to each one. There’s the, oh, my God, I-just-shocked-the-world gold, and there’s the mission-accomplished gold. Nathan Chen seemed to win the second kind today. Before these games, he was one of those Olympians on magazine covers and every list of gold medal favorites. But after he won, 22-year-old Chen still had that pinch-me reaction of a shock-the-world winner.
    NATHAN CHEN: I mean, truly, I never imagined I’d be able to make it this far in my career, and it really means the world. And I still, of course, have to take a little bit more time to process everything.
    GOLDMAN: Whenever he finishes processing, he’ll realize he overcame the unique pressure the favorite feels to put on a gold medal-worthy performance. He says he didn’t rid himself of the pressure.
    CHEN: I mean, before every event, I certainly am very nervous and thinking about what I can do and what I should do, what I need to do. And that was certainly no different here.
    GOLDMAN: But when his program started, Chen locked in on the mental cues he uses to execute on the ice. He hit all five of his quadruple revolution jumps – one was a bit shaky – and delivered his usual mix of athleticism and grace and fun, with a big assist to the Elton John medley that drove his performance, including “Rocket Man” and finishing off with “Bennie And The Jets.”
    CHEN: That music is just, you know, a blast to skate to, and, you know, I can just let loose knowing I don’t have any jumps left and just have fun with it.
    GOLDMAN: When the music ended, Chen arched his back and looked up at the arena ceiling with a big smile. After his winning score was announced, his longtime coach, Rafael Arutunian, raised Chen’s arm like a triumphant boxer. The top three in the final standings mirrored Tuesday’s short program finish. Eighteen-year-old Yuma Kagiyama of Japan won the silver medal. His countryman, Shoma Uno, won bronze. The fourth-place finisher was notable, too. Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu had won the previous two Olympic gold medals. After finishing eighth in the short program here, Hanyu’s chance for a third straight title was pretty much dashed, but he still went into Thursday’s free skate with a chance at history. Hanyu is one of only two male skaters who’ve tried and failed to land skating’s most difficult jump – the quadruple axel – in competition. Skating analyst Jackie Wong talked about Hanyu’s quest to land the jump at these games.
    JACKIE WONG: Adding a third Olympic gold, that’s wonderful, but, like, it would mean more to him to be a two-time Olympic champion who’s landed a jump that nobody else can land ever. That would be the thing.
    GOLDMAN: Today, Hanyu tried again, got close but fell. He still skated a wonderful program to move up to fourth and earn the respect of Chen, who called Hanyu the greatest skater ever. High praise coming from the new champ.

    Tom Goldman, NPR News, Beijing. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
    Source: | Published: 11/02/2022

  • Kalahkan Juara Bertahan Hingga Pecahkan Rekor, Nathan Chen Berhasil Sabet Medali Emas - Olimpiade Beijing yang telah dibuka secara resmi pada 4 Februari 2022 lalu, hingga kini masih bergulir. Meski digelar di tengah pandemi COVID-19, namun hal tersebut tampaknya tak mempengaruhi semangat dari para atlet.

    Kalahkan Juara Bertahan Hingga Pecahkan Rekor, Nathan Chen Berhasil Sabet Medali Emas | Net
    Olimpiade Beijing yang telah dibuka secara resmi pada 4 Februari 2022 lalu, hingga kini masih bergulir. Meski digelar di tengah pandemi COVID-19, namun hal tersebut tampaknya tak mempengaruhi semangat dari para atlet.

    Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari sejumlah prestasi yang berhasil diraih oleh para atlet yang mengikuti Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2022 itu. Adapun salah satu atlet yang baru saja berhasil membawa pulang medali emas adalah Nathan Chen.
    Seolah membuang ingatan tentang Pyeongchang dengan program-program pendek yang memecahkan rekor untuk menempatkan Chen dalam kendali kompetisi skating pria di Capital Indoor Arena di Beijing.
    Atlet berusia 22 tahun itu melihat mimpinya akan membawa pulang medali emas Olimpiade individu sempat pupus empat tahun lalu setelah serangkaian kesalahan dalam rutinitas program pendeknya, yang memberinya terlalu banyak untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dalam permainannya di akhir free skate.
    Tak berhenti di situ, capaian Chen dalam Olimpiade Beijing 2022 ini sangat memukau. Pasalnya, ia juga berhasil mengalahkan juara bertahan ganda Yuzuru Hanyu. Hanyu sendiri diketahui berusaha keras menjadi orang pertama yang memenangkan Olimpiade tida gelar berturut-turut sejak 1928.
    Namun saat melancarkan aksinya di Olimpiade Beijing 2022, Hanyu tampak tersandung, kemudian menarik diri dari percobaan salchow sebanyak empat kali lipat. Atas insiden tersebut, akhirnya membuatnya harus berpuas dengan posisi kedelapan.
    Di sisi lain, Chen merasa yakin dan optimis bisa memberikan penampilan yang terbaik dan menjadi juara di Olimpiade. “Saya akan mengatakan saya cukup dekat dengan yang terbaik,” tutur Chen dalam keterangannya dilansir melalui The Guardian, Kamis (10/2).
    “Jelas selalu ada hal-hal yang dapat Anda tingkatkan, selalu ada hal-hal yang dapat Anda lakukan sedikit lebih baik, tetapi secara keseluruhan saya sangat senang,” lanjut Chen.
    Penampilan Chen di Olimpiade Beijing 2022 itu nyaris sempurna dengan skor 113,97. Hal ini membuatnya mencetak rekor dunia, memberinya keunggulan mutlak atas peringkat kedua Yuma Kagiyama dengan catatan skor 108,12, yang kemudian disusul skater asal Jepang lainnya di posisi ketiga yakni Shoma Uno.
    Chen kemudian menyinggung penampilan dari Hanyu. “Dia juara Olimpiade dua kali karena suatu alasan. Juga, tidak peduli apa yang dia lakukan di masa depan, dia akan selalu menjadi ikon figure skating sejati, salah satu yang terhebat yang pernah ada, jika bukan yang terhebat yang pernah ada,” ujar Chen.

    “Merupakan suatu kehormatan yang luar biasa untuk hidup pada saat yang sama dengannya dan dapat menyaksikan apa yang dapat dia lakukan di atas es,” tandas Chen.
    Sumber: wowkeren | Published: 11/02/2022